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This week like every week since Donald Trump said give me 15 days to slow the spread the Parashat is lining up with current events. This week the Parashat is divided into the offerings of the farmer / the blessings and curses.

Starting with the farmer we learn that this is the time of year to bring your gifts before the Lord. We are about to enter the High Holy Days and Tabernacles. When the Farmer brings his gifts, he has to make a declaration. He gives a brief history of Jacob and the time in Egypt. He must make this declaration at this time because his forefathers were not able too. It is up to him to fulfill the promise Jacob made to the Lord to bring the tithe. Jacob said he would bring the tithe to the Lord if He did 3 things for him. 1 protect him, 2 prosper him, 3 bring back in peace to his Father’s house. The last request was never fulfilled. It is now the responsibility of the future generations to fulfill his promise. However we are to fulfill it with joy and happiness.

Now for the current event part. Did you know that farmers all across the US are being paid and forced to mow down their crops? There are videos everywhere showing farmers taking lawn mowers to their crops. They are being forced to create a food shortage. Who benefits from a food shortage? That’s a good question right? It’s the Government they get more power and greater control. They have prevented the farmer from fulfilling his obligations. The farmer is also obligated every 3 years to bring a special gift of his crops just for the Levite, poor, widow, orphan and the foreigners. Is that going to happen if they cut down their crops?

Now we look at the blessings and the curses. God told the Children of Israel to divide into 2 groups on 2 mountains to proclaim the blessings and the curses. It seems strange that they proclaimed the curses on the mountain top. One theory is that being at the top of the mountain they could see into the valley below along with all the surrounding terrain. This reminds me of when God will call all of us up to the Bema Seat for judgement. He will allow everyone to see Heaven before the final Verdic is made. Same here I believe God allowed them to see the land that they would posses, but their choices would determine how long they would stay in the land.

I find the curse part of this weeks Parashat the most revealing. Every one of these sins are secret sins. They are done secretly or privately.

“‘Cursed is anyone who carves or casts an idol and secretly sets it up. These idols, the work of craftsmen, are detestable to the Lord.’ And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.’

How many idols have been set up? How many secret groups and meetings have happened behind closed doors? How many crafted plans have been made to manipulate people into wearing a mask or taking a vax? These can become a form of idol worship.

‘Cursed is anyone who dishonors father or mother.’ And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.’

We see this every day if you go out and about.

‘Cursed is anyone who steals property from a neighbor by moving a boundary marker.’ And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.’

Anyone who steals or moves a marker or boundary is cursed. Now bare with me for just a minute. We just had an election and votes which are boundary marker for the direction of the nation were moved. They were moved secretly in the middle of the night to give the nation to someone else. Do you see it? Our nation is headed into a completely different direction. The boundary markers have been moved in every state. Property has been stolen from the people.

‘Cursed is anyone who leads a blind person astray on the road.’ And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.’

This one is directed at the media who blindly tell stories they are told too leading people astray. They are leading the blind those who do not do their own research. They blindly trust people who do not have their best interest in mind. Watch what happens to the media because of how they have taken advantage of the blind and ignorant.

‘Cursed is anyone who denies justice to foreigners, orphans, or widows.’ And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.’

Just like last weeks Parashat we are again dealing with what is happening in Afghanistan. The USA (or should I say Biden) has a responsibility to protect those who they have put in harms way. Just a little side not for you. The main natural resources are copper, gold, iron, and Lithium which is used in batteries. All these materials are vital for technology to work. Guess who now has the ability to mine all these unhindered with the US out of the picture. That’s right China. That leads to next cures.

‘Cursed is anyone who accepts payment to kill an innocent person.’ And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.’”

We have Beijing Biden who is bought and paid for by China. How many innocents are going to die so he could line his own pockets.

If you have ever wondered how can the Bible be alive and ever relevant in our day in age. I hope the Parashats have revealed to you that it is alive and more relevant than ever before.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos