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This week's Parashat we read about the Red Sea, 2 songs of praise, the people complain about water, they complain about meat, they complain about water again and they are attacked by the Amalekites.

There is a lot in this week’s readings. The Red Sea moment is one of the most exciting things in the Bible. God led the Israelites out of Egypt with all their wealth. God had them move from place to place to where it appeared to Pharaoh that the Israelites were lost in the wilderness. Remember the original request, Moses asked for 3 days to worship in the wilderness. The Israelites were obviously gone longer than 3 days. Pharaoh rises up and takes his army to attack Israel. During this time Israel is being led by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. As Pharaoh approaches Israel the Angel of the Lord who is in front of the Israelites moves behind them as well as the pillar of fire. Something happens to where there is only darkness except light from the pillar of fire. (If you will read what I wrote a few weeks ago about God and his name you we have a better understanding.) God tells Moses that He was known by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as EL SHADDAI the God who is a Shepard who leads from behind. But know you will know me as YOD HEY VAV HEY - YAHWEH the God who moves all your obstacles out of the way. Here God proves Himself.

This is yet another recreation story. We have darkness, light and water, just like we had in the beginning. We have something supernatural happening here where there is darkness everywhere. We then have a supernatural light appearing. After the supernatural light we have water being separated, except this time it is not upper and lower water. It is the Red Sea being separated left and right. This is the birthing process that creates the Israel nation. The creation of God’s chosen nation that would cause the entire world to be blessed.

I have been reading the Parashats since June of 2019. In March of 2020 Trump asked the nation for 15 days to slow the spread. The reading the week before was the Golden Calf. What does that tell us? It only takes 40 days for people to be separated from their God, and their leaders for them to fall away. The Church began to close before Trump asked for the 15 days. God was warning us what was about to come. The reading during the 1st week of the 15 days was the sabbath you have a rest and do no ordinary work. The next thing we read is a building project how the Israelites were to construct the Tent of Meeting. What was everyone doing? They were home not working, then they began their own home improvement projects. This has happened every week since the 15 days to slow the spread. The Parashats each week have lined up with current events. If the pattern keeps happening as it has for almost 2 years (actually for 1,000’s of years) then if historians are correct that the 10 plagues took 2 years to complete then this Passover is significant. We are about to have the Red Sea Moment of our generation. What does that mean? It is time to sleep with your shoes on your feet. Be ready to move and follow the instructions of the Lord immediately. This is an exciting time to be alive. However don’t make the mistake Israel made in the wilderness by complaining and not believing God. Only 2 of that generation made it into the Promised Land.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos