Photo 65 of 212 in Wall Photos

This week in our Parashat God gives Moses instructions for building the Tabernacle or Mishkan. The 1st thing He tells Moses is to take up an offering from those who have a willing heart. The very 1st thing God tells Moses to make is the Ark of the Covenant. The next thing God says to make is the Table of Show Bread then the Lamp Stand. Then God tells Moses how to create the structure of the Tabernacle.

Notice how God builds what is most important 1st. God builds with purpose then fills everything else in. When we build we start with the foundation and work our way to the purpose. Why is the Ark of the Covenant the most important thing to God? In the Old Testament stones would be set up signifying a covenant that everyone would see and honor. The purpose of the Tabernacle is to bring us to a place where we remember His covenant. From the covenant we can move forward to create a personal relationship. This is where the Tabernacle now becomes a place of meeting with God. The law becomes a form of constitution for people that are truly His. Later Jesus sums this up saying love God with all your heart mind and spirit. Do not put anything before Him. Also love your neighbor as your self. By doing these 2 things you will fulfill the law. Then you will become His dwelling place.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos