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We are in the Hebrew / Spiritual Year 5782. According to the Hebrew alphabet system, when you look at the current year you focus on the last 2 numbers. This year is 82. The letter Pey in Hebrew equals 80. The Pey represents a MOUTH. We are in the decade of the MOUTH.

In 2020 we were in 5780. During 5780 the mouth was alone. During most of the year 2020, the majority of the world had something covering their mouth. There was a barrier that covered our mouths and filtered the words spoken.

In 2021 we were in 5781. During 5781 the number one or Aleph appears with the Pey. The Aleph represents the Father, Chief, and Authority. God placed His power behind the words that comes out of our mouth. During 2021 the population of the world still had face coverings. The world was not yet ready for the power our mouths now have.

Now we are in 5782 and 2022. The Bet or number 2 represents a tent or house. We are now in the Year in which the Words of your Mouth will create the House you live in the rest of this decade and the rest of your life. Our words have more power now than they ever have. You are either building your house or tearing it down with your words. The Bible calls us Kings and Priests. When a King says something it becomes law. When you say something it is the same as a
king saying it. Your words will manifest in this season.

Now that we know what the meaning of the Spiritual year is let’s focus on the meaning of the Natural Year. We are in 2022. Do you realize there is not a single day this year that will not have 222 in it. The number 222 represents the FIRE OF GOD, BREAKTHROUGH, WISDOM, and BLESSING. 222 also means BACHOR which is the Hebrew word for 1st born. When you understand the law of the 1st born you realize that the 1st born gets a double portion. The 1st born also is put on display in front of everyone. It is made known that he is set apart and placed in a special place of honor.

This year your words will dictate your future. Put a guard over your mouth. This year if you have put God 1st He is calling you His BACHOR. He is going to put you on display in front of everyone and give you a double portion. This is an exciting time for those who have been steadfast and have not given in to fear. For those who have not allowed, government, media, family, and their employment to become their source, now is your time. Get ready because God is about to move.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos