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This week’s Parashat the Israelites begin a building project. They build the Mishkan or Tabernacle. They take up the largest offering in history, so much so they had to tell the people to stop giving. Any time we read in our Parashats about giving I believe it is a great opportunity for us to give. How many times have we missed opportunities God has for us? That is all I am going to say about this. If you would like to support the ministry I serve, I will have ways to give at the end of this post.

Last week Moses stood in the Gap to save the Israelites. This week we see Moses was successful. Now the Israelites are creating a space for God in their mist. God chose 2 men to build the Tabernacle Bezaleel and Aholiab. Bezaleel— means in the shadow or protection of God. Another way to say this is he is in the SECRET PLACE. Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah

Uri - Flame, Fire, Light
Hur - White Linen, Hole
Judah - Worship, Praise, Thanksgiving

You could translate these names as Bezaleel was chose because he was hidden in a hole clothed in a righteous white robe. He learned to praise worship and be thankful. He has been touched by the fire of God and now after being in the secret place now has the wisdom to build the House for the Creator of the Universe.

Aholiab means Tent of my Father. Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. Look at the meanings of these names.
Ashisamach - Brother of Support, Bear Up, Establish, Stand Fast, Sustain
Dan - Judge, Straight Course
You can translate these names as Aholiab is a true brother who will support and sustain. He will bear up and stand fast. He will judge righteously and stays in the straight course. He can and will build the Father’s Tent or Tabernacle.

Now here is the rest of the story Bezaleel is the grandson of Hur. Hur is from the line of Judah. Did you know that Hur was married to Miriam? Bezaleel was Moses’s nephew. He is both from Judah and from Levi. He is of the line who will become King and the line who is Priest. Aholiab comes from the line who is called Judge. When God Judges who does He Judge 1st? The word says He Judges His House 1st. It is not by chance God chose these 2 men to build His Tabernacle.

I would like to share a secret with you on how to study the word of God. Look at the story or what happens before and after what you are reading. In our Parashat this week we look back and we see the story of the Golden Calf. What was the last thing God told Moses before the Golden Calf? God told Moses about the Sabbath. After the Golden Calf the 1st thing Moses tells the people is about Sabbath. The people are about to enter a building project and in the project they needed to know how to rest.

Now look at this Moses was on the mountain while he was on the mountain the people were in a state of rest. They were suppose to be waiting, but they became anxious. In their anxiousness they got into fear and broke the 1st commandment God gave them.

Now today we are living in a world full of fear and anxiety. If you will Sabbath and rest in the Lord you will not fail. You will not make mistakes. Learn to rest in Him and be lead by peace. You should not be carrying burdens or fears of gas prices, inflation, wars, or anything else that will try to take your peace. REST IN HIM. IT IS TIME TO SABBATH.

I hope this post has encouraged you. If so below are ways you can give so I can keep bringing these powerful life changing revelations to you.
Ways To Give:

PO Box 3618
Augusta, GA 30914

call 803-278-3618

TEXT the word GIVE to 833-213-4116


Cash App: $WBPI

Our Prayer lines are open 24 hours a day. Call 803-278-3618 to have someone pray and come in agreement with you now.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos