Photo 69 of 212 in Wall Photos

This week we finish the book of Exodus. The people come together and built the Mishkan or Tabernacle as we Christian’s call it. Moses inspects the work and then the Glory of God comes down so strong even Moses can’t go into the Tent of Meeting. Moses just a few months earlier had an encounter with God like no one has ever had before. He saw the Glory of God, but now the Glory is so strong he can’t even enter the Tabernacle. The Glory of God, He has reserved for the people is greater than Moses experienced.

Moses looked over all the work. Today the value of just the gold, silver and bronze would cost over $70,000,000.00. The lamp a alone would cost over $2,000,000.00 today. If God would spend $2,000,000.00 on a flashlight what can’t He do? Now that Jesus has come, and put us in right standing with God we are now called the Temple of God. If God would spend over $70,000,000.00 on a portable tent (Tabernacle) how much more are we worth carrying His presence into all the world. It is time we begin to hold our head up high knowing we carry the Holy King of the Universe inside of us. You are not broke (financially) or broken (physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually) you do not lack in any area. You do not have to go anywhere to be in the presence of the Lord. Inside of you there is the Holy of Holies. You have way more available to you, on the inside of you that you have not tapped into yet. You are more valuable that the $70,000,000.00 tabernacle. You have resources at your disposal. You do not need a priest or a preacher to go before God for you once a year. You can enter the Holy Place anytime with Praise and Thanksgiving.

It is time you realize who you really are. RAISE UP TEMPLE OF GOD!!! RISE UP PRESENCE BRINGER!!!

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos