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This week’s Parashat is timely given the events at the Oscars this week. We read about how a woman cleanses herself after child birth. We then move into SKIN DISEASES culminating into full blown LEPROSY. Now what does the SLAP HEARD AROUND THE WORLD have to do with our reading in Leviticus? I am so glad you asked.

Before we get into this week’s reading we should look into the back story of the events taking place with the Oscars. From 2008 - 2017 the viewership of the Oscars range between 32-43 million viewers. In 2018 when WOKENESS began the rating plummeted to 26.5 million. In 2019 the ratings recovered a little they were 29.6 million viewers. In 2020 just before COVID hit the Oscars hit their lowest ratings yet with 23.6 million people vieweing the Awards. In 2021 when everyone was home and there should have been a captive audience the show hit it’s lowest ratings ever. Only 10.4 million people viewed the Award Ceremony. This year 2022 the Oscars had their 2nd lowest ratings of all time with 15.4 million viewers. This show’s ratings are going into the toilet. People are getting tired of Hollywood Elites having different rules and telling us what to do.

Now lets talk about the Chris Rock and Will and Jada Smith. In 2016 Chris Rock made this comment about Will and Jada Smith at the Oscars.

"What happened this year? People got mad. People went mad," he said. "Jada went mad. Will went mad. [...] Jada said she's not coming. [...] Jada's gonna boycott the Oscars.” "Jada boycotting the Oscars is like me boycotting Rihanna's panties," Rock joked. "I wasn't invited.”

He then added that was not an invitation that he would turn down.

"But I understand, I'm not hating," he continued. "Jada's mad, her man, Will, was not nominated for Concussion, I get it. It's not fair that Will was this good and didn't get nominated, you're right."
"It's also not fair that Will was paid $20 million for 'Wild, Wild West,'"

As you can see the comments made were inappropriate. Many people will say that is just how comedy works. These comments could be considered SLANDEROUS. (Remember this word Slander later on in this post)

Now Will and Jada Smith have what is called an OPEN MARRIAGE which means they can sleep around on one another and they are ok with it. They openly cheat on one another and tell each other the intimate details. They have allowed their marriage bed to be defiled. If Will Smith really feels he should defend his wife’s honor it should begin with him defending their marriage bed. The wages of sin is death. When we sin we allow curses and sickness to come on our bodies. If Will would have protected her and prevented the OPEN MARRIAGE there is a good chance Jada would never have contracted the disease she has today.

In 2018 when the Oscars began their downward decline in viewership Jada came out letting the world know she has Alopecia Areata. Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease that causes the skin to reject the hair follicles. This disease leads to baldness or patches of Baldness on parts of or the entire body including eyebrows and eyelashes. This is an extremely devastating disease for a woman to go through it ranks up there with breast cancer when a woman loses one or both of her breasts.

Now let us get into the word. This week’s reading begins with a woman’s purification after child birth. In order to have child birth one has to have sexual relations. Here we have a woman who is having inappropriate sexual relations and she is unclean. We then read about SKIN DISEASES that can become fill blow LEPROSY. In the discription this week it talks about the hair around the SKIN DISEASE. Does the hair turn yellow, does it turn white does it turn black. Does the hair fall out. There is a lot of focus on the SKIN and the HAIR surrounding the outbreak in our reading. When someone has a SKIN DISEASE they are separated from the community for 7 days at which the Priest will examine them and see if they are healed or if they need to be in exile for another 7 days. While the persons in exile they are considered neither DEAD or ALIVE. They are physically alive but the community aspect of their life is dead. They are in limbo.

According to the Ancient Sages they say that there are 2 sins that cause Leprosy. The sins are SLANDER and HAUGHTINESS. We saw SLANDER with Chris Rock’s comments. Now do we see HAUGHTINESS with any one else in this triangle? Will and Jada Smith have an OPEN MARRIAGE they don’t see marriage in a Biblical way. They are better than everyone else and they can have as many partners as they desire. They can do whatever they please. They are looking down on traditional marriage. Will Smith can walk up on stage during a live event assault someone, then walk back to his seat and still get an award. He can captivate the audience during his speech and get a standing ovation ever after his act of violence. He and Jada have a HAUGHTY SPIRIT.

Look what Isaiah 3:16-24 says about this HAUGHTY SPIRIT
16The Lord says, “Beautiful Zion (DAUGHTERS OF ZION)
is haughty:
craning her elegant neck,
flirting with her eyes,(WANDERING EYES)
walking with dainty steps,
tinkling her ankle bracelets.
17So the Lord will send scabs on her head;(SKIN DISEASE)
the Lord will make beautiful Zion bald.”

18On that day of judgment
the Lord will strip away everything that makes her beautiful:
ornaments, headbands, crescent necklaces,
19earrings, bracelets, and veils;
20scarves, ankle bracelets, sashes,
perfumes, and charms;
21rings, jewels,
22party clothes, gowns, capes, and purses;
23mirrors, fine linen garments,
head ornaments, and shawls.

24Instead of smelling of sweet perfume, she will stink.
She will wear a rope for a sash,
and her elegant hair will fall out. SHE WILL BE BALD.
She will wear rough burlap instead of rich robes.
Shame will replace her beauty.

If we will not pick up our Bibles and allow God to speak to us He will do it through what we watch on TV and Social Media. He has a billboard with millions of people watching, Don’t think for a moment He will not use it to speak to us.

When someone due to a SLANDEROUS or HAUGHTY SPIRIT has a SKIN DISEASE they are excommunicated from the community. The Awards Committee said they are opening an inquiry as to what to do about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. Some of the things being considered is banning Will Smith from the Oscars in the future as well as taking his Award away from him. Now biblically there is a 7 day period of separation before a verdict is made. So this next week will be something to watch for what if any repercussions are taken.

God is saying Hollywood (the Daughters of Zion) are about to be stripped of their beauty. They are about have the power and authority they have stripped away from them. They are about to lose all their money and influence. They are about to stink and be put to shame. He is about to make them bald and take away their coverings. He is going to expose everything done in their bedrooms.

Many people are about to go through hard times as they have a SLANDEROUS or HAUGHTY SPIRIT. Many people will have what is written in Isaiah 3 happen to them. God always warns the world about what is going to happen before it does. The Oscars is our wake up call. If you have been dealing with a SLANDEROUS or HAUGHTY SPIRIT now is the time to get things right before it is too late.

The Word of God is just alive today as it was when it was first written. Know that God is in control and we are on His stage. When we choose Him First He will always take care of us. Make sure today you put Him first in every area of your life.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos