Photo 74 of 212 in Wall Photos

This week’s Parashat deals with cleansing the Leper. Now when we read about washing in these chapters the word being used or the washing it is talking about is the use of a Mikvah. The Mikvah is the special pool of water one would submerge themselves into to be cleaned. There are very strict rules for a Mikvah. You are not allowed to put water into a Mikvah from a water hose, a bucket or any other man made way. The water has to come from the sky and from the ground. The water comes from the mixing of waters from above and waters from below. Remember in Genesis when the world is being formed there is water above and below that are mixed together. When someone would submerge themselves into the water from above and below they are putting themselves into a state where the world was sin free. It is a reminder to them that they are truly washed clean. However this is only a temporary fix until Jesus comes and cleanses us once and for all from the shedding of His Blood.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos

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