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There is a lot in this week’s Parashat. We learn the duties of the Gershonite Clan and the Merarite Clan. We learn how the camp was to stay pure. The Israelites are about to leave the Holy Mountain at Sinai. As the people move they will have to stay pure. They cannot let the nations around them influence them. God also places the Levites between the Tabernacle and the People. The Levites serve as a buffer between God and people. We then read about a weird ritual dealing with an unfaithful wife. There is a lot going on here. I am not going to go into it now, but I will reference you to the story of Noah and the flood. There is a lot there if you look for it. We then go to the rules for the Nazirite, then the Priestly Blessing. We finish off with the offerings of dedication for the Tabernacle.

Today I would like to focus on the Nazirite Vow. Anyone can do the Nazirite Vow. The purpose is to make someone closer to God. The rules for the Nazirite is the same as the High Priest. No wine or anything from the grapevine. The Nazirite is not allowed to be around any dead person and if they are they have to start the vow over. When the vow begins the person has to shave their head and when it ends they have to give a specific offering and shave their head again. While the vow is going the Nazirite cannot cut their hair. The only difference is the High Priest has to stay clean cut however he has to wear a special covering for his head. The hair on the Nazirite serves as his special covering and crown.

Even Paul did the Nazirite Vow (Acts 21:20-27). There is a formula here as to how to separate yourself for a season to become closer to God. The Nazirite had the closeness to God without the responsibility of the people. I believe God desires us to grow closer to Him like the Nazirite. God’s desire is that we would desire to be close to Him in a special relationship. He desires us to chose Him over everything else.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos