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This week’s Parashat is the beginning of the end for a generation. Egyptian’s who left with Israel began to complain about the MANNA the lord provided. They caused the congregation to complain. They began to talk about the meat and fish they ate in Egypt along with the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic. They then began to complain about the MANNA God provided. The scripture then goes into detail about how they would manipulate the MANNA to create cakes out of it.

Just like in the Garden what God provided for Adam and Eve was perfect. It did not need man to manipulate it in any way. The same is true of the MANNA it was perfect as is. It did not need to be manipulate before it could be eaten. When they began to manipulate what God gave them they began to become ungrateful. For over a year now God has provided everything the people needed in the wilderness. God said in Exodus the last time the people complained about food that He would supply them bread in the morning and meat in the evening. Now the people have began to move from Mount Sinai and apparently the meat dried up. However when the people complain this time God becomes angry. He is upset with their lack of trust in Him.

God then sets up 70 Elders and gives them the same spirit that was on Moses. They all prophesied at this moment of time, but never did again. They are to help take the load off of Moses. Then Moses says to God if we killed all of our livestock and all the fish in the sea will they ever be satisfied. God then sends quail and the people kill and eat. They gorge themselves, this angers God even more. God caused a plague to come on the people and they buried the Egyptians who craved meat.

The next chapter Aaron and Miriam speak against Moses. God caused Miriam to be struck with leprosy. Aaron asked Moses to do something, so Moses asked God to heal her. God’s response was if her Father spit in her face she would have to live outside the camp for 7 days. Miriam lived outside the camp for 7 days then was healed. Then the people began to move again.

The complaining of the people became so bad that it affected the leadership. This is where things begin to go wrong and a generation is lost and never gets to enter the promised land. We have people complaining now about a decision being made by the Supreme Court, Roe vs Wade. They are not ready to accept the change coming and they will complain and they will not enter into the Promised Land. They will not get to taste all God has for them because they have a slave mentality to this world. We celebrate Father’s Day this week. Let us celebrate the Father. Let us stop complaining and looking backwards. Let us honor Him and do what He says.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos