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This week’s Parashat tells the story of the 12 spies. Ten of these men lead the whole nation astray. They cost a generation to miss out on what God had for them. Everyone 20 years old and older would die in the wilderness before anyone would be able to enter in. How would you feel knowing that you would die within 40 years? There were over 600,000 men who would die during these 40 years. Why did God make them wait 40 years before they could enter the Promised Land. The reason is here:

Numbers 14:2-4
“Their voices rose in a great chorus of protest against Moses and Aaron. “If only we had died in Egypt, or even here in the wilderness!” they complained. “Why is the Lord taking us to this country only to have us die in battle? Our wives and our little ones will be carried off as plunder! Wouldn’t it be better for us to return to Egypt?” Then they plotted among themselves, “Let’s choose a new leader and go back to Egypt!””

The people have just heard the report of the spies. They start looking backwards. They say if we would have only died in Egypt or even in the wilderness. They only see defeat they go back to their defeated state in Egypt. They see their wives and children as plunder. They then plot to elect a new leader and go back to Egypt. The spies spent 40 days in the land which caused the people to wander in the wilderness 40 years. One year for each day they spied the land.

Out of their own mouth they sealed their fate. God used their own words against them. He told them you wish I would have let you die in the wilderness then fight these nations, so be it. He spared their children, however everything they spoke God did. We are in the decade of the MOUTH. Be careful what you say.

There were 12 spies 10 had an evil report 2 came back with a good report. The number 12 represents government. The government made a majority rule decision which cost a generation their life and future. The same is true today those in government are making bad decision and leading the masses astray. The number 10 represents a test and the right strong arm of the Lord. They failed the test and challenged God. The number 2 represents the household and the son. 2 men understood who they were. They were of the Household of God. They were sons and knew the will of their Father. We are in a season of testing. Are you one of the 10 who will fail or are you the 2 who know their God?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos