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Dear Friend,

At the end of 2022 the Lord revealed to me during worship at my church that we are in the Season of the Camels. If you remember 10 years ago Pastor Ray Popham came in January of 2013 and he proclaimed the Camels are Coming. Dorothy immediately grabbed hold of the WORD and Watchmen Broadcasting began to PROCLAIM IT WAS THE YEAR OF THE CAMELS. Testimonies poured in from everywhere. Debts were paid off, properties came to individuals and ministries.
Projects that had been stifled for a long season began to have life breathed back into them. The Camels were truly on the move. They were bringing every kind of provision imaginable. We at Watchmen saw 3 straight years of supernatural provision.

Why was 2013 so significant? Why did the Camels come now and not before. When we look at the Hebraic Years we are able to see what God is doing. 2013 was 5773 on the Hebraic Calendar. When we look at the Hebraic Calendar we focus on the last 2 numbers. In 5773 we look at 70 and 3. In Hebrew we have to add letters together to equal the desired number similar to Roman Numerals. The 70 is the Ayin and it represented that the decade was a decade of seeing. It was a decade of revelation. The 3 is the equivalent of the Gimel, which represents a gathering, the foot, Camel, a walk, to rise up, to go after, and the generous rich man. What was most significant was that the numerical value for the word camel is 73. So out of all the possible meanings of this year Camel is the most significant.

During 5773 (2013) we were to look to the horizon for the Camels to come. We were to wait with expectation for the provision they were bringing from the throne room of God. So that is what we did. We sat back and kept a look out like a sentry looking for what was headed our way, ready to sound the alarm for what was coming.
We are now in 5783 on the Hebraic Calendar. What does this mean for us? We again have to look at the last 2 numbers the Pey (80) and the Gimel (3). The Pey represents the MOUTH. The mouth is used for 3 things eating, breathing and speaking. We are in a decade where our words have more power than ever before. We have to be careful of the words we speak in this decade. We have to put a guard over our lips not to release negative words into our future. Now let us focus on the, Gimel, the number 3. Again, all the meanings above apply. We are in the year of the FOOT. Your foot takes you everywhere you go. Your words will create and take you to the destination you are speaking. You can also put your foot in your mouth as well, which will cause you set backs.

What the Lord showed me just before the end of 2022 is that there is another way to spell CAMEL and its numerical value is 83. Here is where it gets really interesting. This spelling of the word Camel represents the Female Camel. The Female Camel’s bones are more dense, which makes them stronger than the male Camel. The Female Camel has to carry her calf for over a year before she gives birth. Because of this she can carry more than the male. She also comes with expectation.


Here is the difference this go around, last time we waited and watched. This time we have to speak them into existence. Our words have power like never before. Friend, I encourage you to speak Camels into existence every day. Do not let a day go by you do not create Camels to come into your now and your future. It is time to speak Camels of healing, deliverance, salvation, provision, favor, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment, relationships, government, and influence into existence. Here is the really interesting part, friend, you can become a Camel for someone else being the very thing they have need of while putting a demand and expectation on Camels to come your way. God tells us in His Word if we take care of the poor, the widow and the orphan, we lend to Him. He also tells us to bring our tithes and offerings into the store house so He can open the windows of Heaven over our lives. Now is the time to put Him to the test. He even tells us to test Him in this area. Friend, I challenge you to be a giver like never before in 2023 with expectation and watch what God does as you speak Camels into existence.

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Friend, Here is a declaration you can speak to cause the Camels to Come.
I declare Camels are Coming; they are coming today, tomorrow and the next day. They are coming every day. There are caravans of 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 and 100 Camels headed my way. They are bringing provision to me and my household. They are bringing blessings for me to be a blessing and to be a Camel for someone else. Caravans of Camels are coming directly from the Throne Room of Heaven with what I require before I am even aware I have need of it. They are bringing peace, healing, salvation, provision, favor, riches and influence. I don’t stop with 2 or 3 caravans. I speak 100s and 1000s of Camels to come my way. I create Camels for those who are not yet aware of the time and season. I thank you Father for providing me the authority to create Camels in your Holy Name.
May the Lord bless you and send you Camels everyday of 2023 and beyond. Blessings,

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos

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