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This week’s Parashat is showing us history repeats itself. Last week we read how Moses had the burning bush experience. He then finally agrees to the call of the Lord. After he agrees Moses meets up with Aaron and goes to the elders of Israel to share God’s plan. Afterwards Moses and Aaron go to Pharaoh and tell him they are to go 3 days journey into the wilderness and offer sacrifices. Pharaoh says no and then takes the straw provided by the Egyptians away. Now the Israelites have to gather their own straw and still meet their quota. Israel begins to turn on Moses and Aaron. Moses goes to God and asks why He is bringing hardship on His People. God then tells Moses now things are about to happen. When I am done Pharaoh will force you out of his land.

This week we read about Moses and Aaron’s 2nd encounter with Pharaoh. This is where Aaron throws down his road and it becomes a serpent. Pharaoh calls his magicians and they do the same with their staffs. Aaron’s staff then eats theirs.

God then told Moses to pour water out onto the ground and the Nile became BLOOD. Then the FROGS came. After the frogs the GNATS attacked everyone. These 1st, 3 plagues affected everyone. After that God separated Goshen from the rest of the plagues. This week we read about plagues 1-7.


Here is what happened. God sent Moses to call Pharaoh’s sins out. God was exposing what Pharaoh has been doing. Once Pharaoh got exposed what did he do? He began to make life harder for the Israelites. He took way the straw, yet required the same amount of bricks each day. If they didn’t deliver they were punished.

Now modern day we have a President being exposed with TOP SECRET FILES handled carelessly. At the same time this President bans gas stoves. As this President is being exposed he makes life harder for the people he is suppose to serve.

Israel had to go through the hard time Pharaoh caused. They also had to go through the 1st, 3 plagues. After a short time they were no longer affected by the plagues or by Pharaoh. The time Moses and Pharaoh clashed lasted somewhere between 20 weeks and 2 years according to historians. The good news today is we are within 2 years of FREEDOM. FREEDOM IS COMING. DON’T GIVE UP WE ARE ALMOST THERE. KEEP PUSHING UNTIL YOU CROSS THE FINISH LINE.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos