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This week’s Parashat introduces us to Moses. We have an introduction to all the families in Egypt. The birth of Moses. Pharaohs daughter taking him in. Moses kills on Egyptian. Moses’s time with Jethro. The burning bush. Meeting with Pharaoh. Harder times on the Jews.

What I would like to focus on is the burning bush and Moses’s encounter with Pharaoh. God speaks to Moses and introduces Himself to him as I AM THAT I AM. After Moses agrees to be God’s messenger, Pharaoh makes life harder for the Jews. He takes his straw (government handouts) away. He has the people beaten for not producing their brick quota. Life becomes even harder. Moses then goes and complains to God about the harsh treatment Pharaoh has inflicted. God then on tells Moses this, “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh. When he feels the force of my strong hand, he will let the people go. In fact, he will force them to leave his land!” And God said to Moses, “I am YAHWEH (I AM THAT I AM)—‘THE LORD.’ I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as EL- SHADDAI —‘GOD ALMIGHTY’—but I did not reveal my name, YAHWEH, to them.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭6:1-3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In Genesis 17 God introduces Himself to Abraham as EL SHADDAI. This is where we get the sheep reference we all know so well. God tells Abraham to walk before Him (in front of Him) blameless. A Shepard leads the sheep from behind. He stays at the back of the flock, so he can make sure no predictor sneaks up from behind. He looks over the horizon making sure it is safe for his flock.

Now God tells Moses that He is not only the God who has your back, but He is the God who goes before you and removes all your obstacles. We will see the meaning of God’s Holiest name as we continue to read Exodus.

Just know God is the one who has your back in this season. He also has paved a path for you and removed anything in your way. Stay on the path He has laid out for you. Do not stray left or right. Stay on the straight and narrow path. He has set you up for success. He has surrounded you and will not let any harm come to you.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos