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This week we end the book of Genesis. Jacob dies and Joseph honored his last wish to be buried in Canaan in the cave Abraham bought as a burial site. Joseph honors his father Jacob and the nation of Egypt, goes with Joseph and his brothers to bury Jacob.

Joseph is the most Christ like character in all of the Old Testament. Just in the numbers associated in his life tells the story of our Savior Jesus.

Joseph spends 17 years with his father Jacob. At age 17 he has 2 dreams, which promise a great victory. He didn’t have any restraint when sharing the dreams which angered his brothers all the more.

Joseph was sold to Potiphar then thrown into prison. 13 years he spent in slavery until he was 30 years old. He was Potiphar’s slave a captain of the guard. Here Joseph learned protocol. He was educated in the way Pharaoh’s court works by running Potiphar’s house. It is believed that Potiphar ran the prison Joseph was placed in. Here Joseph learned to run a large organization a prison system.

When you look at the end of the story Jacob takes Ephraim and Manasseh as his own sons. This gave Jacob 13 sons. When Jesus called the 12 disciples they totaled 13.

At age 30 Joseph comes before Pharaoh and is celebrated for what caused him to be sold into slavery. Here Pharaoh becomes a father to Joseph. He puts his own ring on Joseph’s finger. He dresses him and removes him from the pit.

Jesus began His ministry at age 30. The Holy Spirit rests on Him and an audible says this is my Son in whom I am well pleased. Just as Joseph took on a new position of great authority Jesus stepped into His purpose for being on the earth.

9 years later after 7 plentiful years and 2 famine years Joseph’s brothers show up. The number 9 signifies the Holt Spirit. There are 9 gifts and fruits of the spirit. Here Joseph has to learn to have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. This becomes evident when his brothers appear in Egypt. We know this is true by the blessing Jacob speaks over him.

Genesis 49:22-25
““Joseph is the foal of a wild donkey, the foal of a wild donkey at a spring— one of the wild donkeys on the ridge. Archers attacked him savagely; they shot at him and harassed him. But his bow remained taut, and his arms were strengthened by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob, by the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel. May the God of your father help you; may the Almighty bless you with the blessings of the heavens above, and blessings of the watery depths below, and blessings of the breasts and womb.”

Joseph is the archer who has not let the arrow go. He is shaking and holding his bow taut. God strengthens him causing him not to take revenge on his brothers.

Joseph spent 22 years in Egypt as a slave (13 years) and as a ruler (9 years). There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The Aleph and Tav or as we say in the New Testament the Alpha and Omega (the first and the last). In this there is completion. Joseph has completed his course which allowed him to save his family. Joseph was made the first by Jacob. He then was made the last a slave. He was then made the 1st again in a greater way. He had changed to the point that those who hated him no longer had power over him. He was placed into power over them and did not take vengeance on them. He finally learned restraint.

Jesus lived a life of restraint. At any time He could have called legions of Angels. He gave up His will in the garden and chose the cross.

After Joseph reveals himself to his brother Jacob moves the family to Egypt. Jacob lived 17 years with Joseph before he died. Jacob was in Joseph’s life 34 years. 17 years before slavery and 17 years after slavery. The number 17 represents VICTORY. At 17 years of age God showed Joseph his victory. After the victory God gave Joseph 17 years with his father. Jesus was raised from the dead on Nissan 17. Jacob dies after the 2nd 17 years.

After Jacob dies Joseph lives another 42 years. Joseph is consider a savior or messiah figure foreshadowing the coming of Christ. Joseph ends his days 42 years one for each month Jesus would walk the earth in His ministry.

Joseph lived a total of 110 years. Just in the numbers associated with his life we can see the foreshadowing of Jesus.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos