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It is Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement. This is the Holiest Day of the year. This is the only day of the year the High Priest may enter the Holy of Holies. If the High Priest enters the Holy Place any other day he will die. He is not allowed to enter where the Glory of God is. The Priest may only enter on the Day of Atonement to cleans himself, his family, the Tabernacle / Temple, and the Nation. Once the High Priest makes the sacrifices required for Yom Kippur the people are made clean and begin the New Year PURIFIED and CLEAN. They get a do over each year. I call the season of TEAHUVAH God’s RESET BUTTON for your life. If you follow the protocols God has set up, you can RESET your life every year during the Days of Awe.

What is the Protocol? It is simple, however it takes effort on your part. You must get your heart right with God and your fellow man. You have to forgive and ask for forgiveness. This can be difficult especially when we feel we haven’t done anything wrong. This is important to God. So much so Jesus’s ministry’s primary focus was REPENTANCE. What was the 1st thing documented that He said we He returned from the wilderness. REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND. The root word for TESHUVAH is SHUV. SHUV is the word we translate more than 1,000 times in the Bible to REPENT.

On the Day of Atonement the High Priest will offer a Bull for Himself. I find it so interesting that the 1st sin in the wilderness was when the High Priest Aaron takes Gold from the people and creates a Golden Calf. Now every year the High Priest has to offer the most valuable animal to cleans himself, his family and the Tabernacle / Temple. The bull is the strongest domesticated animal. This is the animal that they would use to plow their fields. The bull also feeds most people. The High Priest then has to take 2 identical Goats one for God and one for Azazel. The Priest would draw lots to see which animal belongs to who.

The Goat alway represents the SIN OFFERING. The High Priest would then offer the Goat with God’s Name and offer it as a burnt offering. The Goat that belongs to Azazel the Priest would lay his hands on and confess the the sins of the Nation. The Goat would then be led to the wilderness and thrown down the mountain.

Now here is the rest of the story. According to the book of Enoch, Jubilees, and the Talmud speak of the Fallen Angel Azazel. Azazel was a Watcher Angel sent to Earth to teach people about God after Adam and Eve allowed sin to enter the world. He lusted after women and took some women for himself. He caused 200 other Watcher Angels to fall. Azazel became the forefather of the Nephilim and other races of giants. These Giants we said to be up to 30-50 feet tall. They began to eat everything. The Earth could not sustain their appetite. They made life miserable for the inhabitants of Earth. The people cried out and God made the Giants turn on each other and war with one another.

When the giants died there was no place for their spirit to go. They were a hybrid an abomination. They were neither Angel nor Man. They became what we call today Demons. There is a difference from a Fallen Angel and a Demon. Now back to the Escape Goat sent Azazel. Every 7th year and 50th year were years of RELEASE. People were set free from servitude and property was restored once a generation. However every year once the Priest confessed the sins of the people all the demonic influences would be placed on the goat and returned to their father Azazel. Look at the story of the demoniac. The demons asked Jesus if their time has come to be judged and Jesus said no. They asked to be placed in the near by pigs. Jesus approved of their request and the pigs ran into the sea and died. When the High Priest sends out the Escape Goat he is sending out all demonic influence and the people are made clean and purified. They enter the New Year fresh and clean from sin. Today is your day of deliverance. If you have truly REPENTED to God and your fellow man today you can be free from the Enemy. Today is your day to be purified and made clean.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos