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Bereshit, in the beginning, this week we begin the New Year with the beginning of the Torah. Everything we will read this year is based on what we read this week. This is the foundation of everything. In the beginning the Father, Son and Holy Spirit were present. The 1st 4 verses makes this clear.

Genesis 1:1-4
“In the beginning God (FATHER) created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God (HOLY SPIRIT) was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light,” (JESUS) and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness.”

The world was created to glorify the Son of God. He is all throughout the Old Testament. He was the manna, the bread of life, the Jews ate in the wilderness. He was the Rock that gave the Jews water in the wilderness. He was the 4th man in the fire. The list goes on and on, Jesus is in every book of the Bible.

Now let’s transition to the story of man. God created Adam in His Image, afterwards He says man should not be alone. God then creates every animal and brings them to Adam to name. Adam names them all and a mate could not be found. Now here is a little secret for you. When you read the Word of God you have to clear your mind and read it like it is the very 1st you have read it. This causes you to ask questions you would not ask otherwise. Here is the question I have for you. Did God not know that the animals would not be a good match for Adam? Why did God have this strange dating game for Adam? If God knows everything how come He didn’t know these animals were not the right mate for Adam? Now that we have asked the question, we can discover the answer. God obviously knew that the animals were never going to be a mate for Adam. Adam is the one who did not know that the animals would not be a mate. So after God creates all the fish in the sea, birds of the air, beasts of the field and Adam did not find something to keep him company then God creates Eve. The dating game was for Adam’s benefit. God knew exactly what He was doing.

When God created Eve, He took her out of Adam. God took out the feminine part of Adam and created Eve. Remember Adam was created in the Image of God. God has a feminine side. The Holy Spirit represents the female side of God. Look at the purpose of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is the comforter, helper, and teacher. Look at the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. How come the only sin that is unforgivable is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is God’s female side and He will not allow anyone to come against Her. I know some will have a hard time receiving this truth. There is so much here, but I will move on.

Now we move on with the story and the Serpent enters the scene. He asks Eve did God say? Notice he comes asking questions which cause Eve to question what she knows is right. We are told that the Serpent was the wisest, subtle, shrewdest and most cunning of all the beasts of the field. The word we translate as wise, subtle, shrewd, and cunning is the same word we translate as naked for Adam and Eve. So we have to look for the motivation for the Serpent. What happened just before the Serpent enters our story? It was the dating game and he wasn’t chosen to be the mate for man. Now he is the the subtle, cunning, naked, walking, talking Serpent. Out of all the animals he doesn’t have fur or feathers he has skin in a sense. The Serpent is very similar to man in the description we have given so far. He desires to elevate himself to man’s mate wether it be Adam or Eve.

When the Serpent questions Eve, he is sharing his point of view. He is an animal he sees everything through desire. He is being what he was created to be an animal not a man. The Serpent seems to have some knowledge that Adam and Eve don’t. He knows that their eyes will be opened and they will be like God.

So the question is did Adam and Eve know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil? The answer is yes. They knew because Eve told the Serpent what they were not allowed to do. What changed is the perspective. Before they ate the fruit everything was TRUE and FALSE. If something was evil it was FALSE. Once they ate the fruit now their desire entered in and they are able to determine for themselves what is GOOD and EVIL. This is what makes them like God.

Here is an example for you post eating of the fruit. You back your car into a brand new Mercedes and no one is around. Now you have to chose do you wait for the owner of the Mercedes? Do you leave a note? Do you just drive off? You could do the the Good and right thing and be responsible. You can talk yourself into driving off and being justified. That guy in the Mercedes has plenty of money, he can afford it. His insurance will cover the damage. Do you see how now you choose what is Good and Evil? You no longer know TRUE and FALSE. The only way you will ever know truly what is Good and Evil is when you spend time with the Father.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos