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This week we read the story of Noah. The earth was corrupt there was, Hamas, violence after the Angels slept with the daughters of man. Giants were the fruit of these unions. After Adam and Eve fell sin entered the world. Murder is the result of sin in the next generation. Cain killed Able. God made Cain a wander who could never find peace. God marked him so no one would kill him. Cain is called the 1st son of Satan. Cain was marked now Satan seeks to mark his followers with the mark of the beast. A second group of Angels fall and lust over women. They take them and make them their wives and now a new creation know as giants and other being are now created. These beings are violent, wicked, and evil. They were destroying mankind and the earth. There are stories of half man and half animals that walked the earth. We read stories about them, we call them myths. We read stories about Minotaurs, Centaurs, and Fauns. What if these abominations really existed? In 2 Samuel 23:20 one of David’s Mighty Men killed 2 lionlike men. The Hebrew makes is apparent that the men were part lion.

Something happed on the earth causing man and animals to become corrupt. So much so that God told Noah that He, Himself, would provide the animals to go on the Ark. It was not Noah’s job to round up the animals. God call Noah righteous. Righteous means clean. God then takes all that remains clean in the earth and places it into the ark to protect. God destroyed everything unclean and recreated the Earth.

Now we have a new earth. With a new Earth comes new rules. Before we were not able to eat animals, but in the new world we can eat animals. Now God gives Noah a new covenant that states He will never destroy the world by flood again. God places the RAINBOW in the sky as a sign that when God sees it, He will be reminded of His covenant. Notice the second half of a the word is the key. BOW as we know it is a weapon. God placed His weapon in the sky and notice it faces away from the earth. Now the world uses the symbol of God’s covenant, His weapon as a weapon against Him. The LGBTQ uses God’s rainbow as their symbol of their sin. They even manipulate it and remove a color from it so it has 6 colors representing man.

After God destroys the world and all the evil is gone. Noah then planted a vineyard and fermented the grapes and made wine. We have a new tree of knowledge story. After Adam and Eve ate the fruit their bodies changed. They can now die and will. Noah drinks and then passes out. His son Ham come and sees his nakedness. Notice after Adam and Eve eat the fruit they know they are naked. After Noah wakes up he knows his son did something to him when he was naked. Ancient Rabbis suggest that Ham did one of 3 things. 1 Ham sodomized Noah. Ham’s descendants would later settle and name a town Sodom. 2 Ham castrated Noah. 3 Ham had sex with his mother which uncovered Noah’s nakedness. If you read in Leviticus about uncovering a father’s nakedness it talks about all kinds of sexual sins against your father.

No matter what Ham did the result was the same. He prevented Noah from being able to have another child. Because of this now Noah transitions from the role of man to the role of God and he curses Ham’s youngest son Canaan. The only place in the Bible where the word used for the curse for Adam, Eve, and the Serpent is used again is when Noah curses Canaan. History repeats itself over and over again.

Notice when Jesus gives His parables in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John there are always 3 people and 2 are good and one is evil. Jesus is pointing us back to the sin in the new recreated world. It only takes one to let the enemy in. Be careful of who you let into your inner circle.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos

1 comment
  • James Steele
    James Steele I had never noticed the colors count difference in the real rainbow and the LGBTQ flag. That is extremely interesting and would seem very difficult to be a coincidence. It looks like they left out Indigo or Violet. In doing a little more research, I...  more
    October 22, 2023 - 1 likes this