This week we read about the death of Jacob. Before he joins his Ancestors Abraham and Isaac he blesses his sons. Jacob calls all of his sons together. He tells them he is going to bless them and tell them of things to come. Everything he speaks over his sons happens to everyone of them. It may not have happened to them directly, but it happened generations later. Abraham blessed Isaac and everything he spoke over him came to pass. Isaac spoke over Jacob and Esau and everything he spoke over them came to pass. Now you can see a pattern, what they blessed or cursed God honored and it came to pass. You as a Christian are a descendent of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You have been graphed into God’s choose people. Jesus is the door and He has made way for us to be joint heirs of the kingdom of God.
September 15, 2023 we entered the Jewish New Year 5784. We are in the decade of the MOUTH. We are in the year of the DOOR. Your mouth will open or close doors for you in this season. Just like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob your words will manifest your future and generations to come. As a Christian you are a King and a Priest. Every word that comes out of King’s mouth becomes law. There are examples after examples about things Kings said which they regretted. When you are a King you can’t take back your words. After Esther revealed who she was to the King he could not change what was made law. However he allowed her and Mordecai to write a new law which allowed the Jews to defend themselves. King Darius was manipulated to make a law that would not allow anyone to pray for 30 days to anyone other than the King. When Daniel was found praying to his God King Darius immediately regretted his words. He knew he was played by the men jealous of Daniel. Notice even though he regretted what he said Daniel still had to go to the lions den.
For some reason we are always playing catch up to what God is doing. We are stuck in the world system. We wait for January 1st to begin new things when God started the new thing 3 and half months ago. You have gone through everything the past 3 months because God has established your words are opening and closing doors on September 15, 2023. Why are you waiting for January 1, 2024 to align you life with the plans of God? You have to press into the things of God now like never before. You can’t play both sides anymore. You have to pick a side. The way you are going to pick a side is with the words that come out of your mouth.