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This week we begin the Book of Exodus. Did you know that it is not the actual name of this book in the Bible? Through the translation of Latin and English the translators changed the name. They renamed it to what they felt was a better name that encompassed the over all theme of the book. The original name is Shemot which means Names. As a Christian not understanding the Jewish culture I would agree with the translators Exodus is a better name. However after studying the Word of God from a Hebrew perspective I realize we have missed the hidden mystery because we think we know more and altered the Word of God.

At the end of Genesis we read the names of everyone one who moved to Egypt (Genesis 49) as Jacob blessed each of his sons. The Book of Exodus repeats the names of everyone who moved to Egypt. Why does the Word of God repeat itself? It repeats itself to point out hidden things. Think of it this way X marks the spot. Repetition equals X marks the spot, start digging.

Rashi a famous Rabbi medieval commentator on the Torah writes this:

NOW THESE ARE THE NAMES OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL — Although scripture has already enumerated them by name whilst they were living, when they went down into Egypt (Genesis 46:8-27), it again enumerates them when it tells us of their death, thus showing how dear they were to God — that they are compared to the stars which also God brings out and brings in by number and name when they cease to shine, as it is said, (Isaiah 40:26) “He bringeth out their host by number, He calleth them all by name”

When God told Abraham that his descendants would innumerable just like the stars God didn’t just mean they would not be able to be counted. He also meant that they were special and unique. They would burn for a season then they would burn out. The stars and the the Children of Israel (as are we Christians) mean so much to the Lord that He names us at our beginning and at our end. As the Children of Israel were named in their beginning they were named again at their end when they had all joined their ancestors.

You may not feel special, but you are. God has named you and given you a purpose while you were in your mother’s womb. His plans have not changed for you. No matter what you have or have not done He still loves you. He is waiting for you to realize who you are. He stands at the door waiting for you to answer the call, the purpose you were created for. Open the door, His son, Jesus let Him in so His Holy Spirit can reveal who you really are. Let Him reveal your true name. Abraham didn’t know his real name until he was 99 years old. Jacob was 97 when he learned his real name. You don’t have to wait until your life is half over before you learn your God given name. I ask you today what is your name?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos