God has come down on Mount Sinai in fire, smoke, and lightning. The ground was shaking as God spoke. The people heard the sound of a shofar. No one was blowing a shofar. It was the voice of God and it became louder and louder as the Lord came closer. The sound of the shofar became words that every Israelite heard. The people became terrified of the Lord they said, ”What the Lord says we will do. Just don’t let Him speak to us anymore.”
The Lord then gives more commandments. He gives commandments about slaves, personal injury, protection of property, social responsibility, call for justice, and annual feasts. God promises that His Presence will follow His People as long as they follow His Commands. He promises to give them benefits for their obedience.
God then calls Moses and the 70 Elders, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu to come up the mountain. Moses repeats everything the Lord said to the people. The people replied, “We will do everything the Lord has commanded.”
Moses then sets up an alter and makes sacrifices of bulls to the Lord. Moses writes down everything the Lord said. Moses then reads back to the people every word the Lord just spoke. Moses then splatters the blood on the people to confirm the covenant between God and the Israelites. Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and the 70 elders go up Mount Sinai. Once they get to a certain point they are able to see into Heaven. They all see the feet of the Lord and a floor of blue sapphire. They then eat a covenant meal in the presence of the Lord. Even though they saw the Lord they all survived as God accepted them. The very next thing God says is;
Exodus 24:12
”Then the Lord said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain. Stay there, and I will give you the tablets of stone on which I have inscribed the instructions and commands so you can teach the people.”“
Notice God has already created and inscribed the stone tablets and inscribed the commandments on them. The only stone we hear anything about is in the previous verse where the blue sapphire is mentioned. This has caused the Jewish people to believe that the 10 Commandments were written on tablets of Sapphire. The word of God says that God is an all consuming fire. Sapphires can be made by fire and intense heat. Aluminum oxide is very common mineral that is the form of sapphire before the fire hits it.
Now God has come down on a mountain full of common minerals and when His Fire touches it, it changes. God takes the common and mundane and makes it special and valuable. God took dirt and formed tablets of the covenant. His fire transformed normal into supernatural. You and I are formed from the dust of the earth. When His fire touches us we are transformed. You may feel common and worthless. But you are so much more. God has so much in store for you. Let His Fire come upon you and change you into a hard, strong, powerful substance like sapphire. Let Him make you priceless.