This week we read the instructions for the Tabernacle. God tells Moses to take an offering from the people who’s heart is moved to give. God then gives instructions on how to build the Ark of the Covenant, the Table for Show Bread, and the Lamp Stand. Notice how God starts with the furniture and not the structure. God always starts with what is most important. From God’s point of view the whole purpose for the Tabernacle is the Ark. It is the place His Presence rests.
This is the Holy of Holies, the Holy Place. This is the place Jesus made available to us with His sacrifice. Next God’s focus is the Table for the Show Bread. Jesus is the Bread of Life. God then tells Moses to take 75 pounds of gold and make a Lamp Stand. God told Moses to take 2.2 million dollars of Gold to make the Lamp Stand. We don’t have a cheap God. Jesus is the Light of the World. God spends the most on the very 1st representation of His Son, the Light.
God then turns His focus to the structure to hold the Holy furniture. God starts from the center and works His way out. We conclude with the plans for the Alter for burnt offerings and the courtyard. Next week we will read about the Priests clothes then God will go back to the last piece of furniture. God will end the instructions with the Incense Alter and the wash basin. God always tells you what is most important 1st. God always ends with what is most important.
Have you ever wandered why God is so focused on smell? To answer this we have to go back to the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve fell they used all of their senses in the fall except one. The only sense that was not used in the fall was the sense of smell. God begins with His Presence (the Ark) and finishes with the Incense Alter where He enjoys righteous sacrifice the sweet aroma. When we bring righteous sacrifice it mingles with His Presence and the sacrifice and aroma become one. Then once a year Old Testament now everyday when we make room for Him in our lives. Don’t you know you are the Temple of God. You are a sweet aroma to the Lord. You bring the Holy Place to the world.