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This week we read about the building of the Tabernacle. God chose 2 supernaturally skilled men to head up the project. The 2 men were Bezalel son of Uri, grandson of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. I love doing word studies in the word. Names are always a clue to something for those who will take the time to dig. Here is what these names:

Bezaleel - shadow, protection of God
URI - fiery, flame, fire, light
Hur - white linen, bore a hole
Judah - praise, shout, worship

Abohliab - tent, covering, home, tabernacle, Father, chief
Ashisamach - brother of support
Dan - judge, strait course

God is so in control of of everything that He knew the exact moment He would set Israel free from captivity. He knew the generations that would be born. He knew their names from the foundation of the world. God knew he would create a man named Bezaleel who would build a Tabernacle that would have a secret place and it would give Israel protection as it is a home for their God. His father Uri’s name means fiery, light, flame. There would always be a fire burning on the alters and the candle stick. His grandfather’s was named Hur which means white linen and bore a hole. Later in the New Testament we will have a final priest who was covered in white linen and buried in a hole dug out of a mountain. The whole purpose of the Tabernacle was to worship and praise God hence this man was from the tribe of Judah.

Our other skilled man was named
Abohliab his name literally means Tabernacle. It also means tent, home, Father, Chief. Abohliab was chosen to build the Tabernacle a tent or home for the Father and authority which is our God. His father was named Ashisamach brother of support. This man was responsible for creating the supports for the Tabernacle. He came from the tribe of Dan which mean judge and strait course. As a builder you have to make things straight and perfect so as not to have someone get hurt.

God also provided everything needed for the Tabernacle when they left Egypt. If you were to guess how much would you think it would cost to build the Tabernacle today? The word of God says that Israel brought:

Exodus 38:24-25
”The people brought special offerings of gold totaling 2,193 pounds, as measured by the weight of the sanctuary shekel. This gold was used throughout the Tabernacle. The whole community of Israel gave 7,545 pounds of silver, as measured by the weight of the sanctuary shekel.“

The people gave just shy of 65 million dollars worth of gold. The candle stick alone weighed 75 pounds which cost 2 million dollars to make. The people gave just over 2 million dollars worth of sliver. If you add all the other materials and labor you can easily come up with $70,000,000.00 to build the Tabernacle. We do not serve a cheap or nonchalant God. We serve a mighty, powerful, rich God who does not know what lack is in His Kingdom. Stop thinking you are poor and unimportant. You were created to do great things and God is ready to foot the bill. Stop worrying about ghow you are going to pay for the vision.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos