Photo 165 of 212 in Wall Photos

This week we are introduced to the sacrifice process. We are told about the different types of sacrifices. When and why you would offer each type of sacrifice. We learn about the protocols the Priest has to follow. We learn how dirty of a job it is to be a Priest. The Priest would have to take the animal and skin it. He would then have to cut the animal into pieces. The Priest would have to wash all of the organs and legs of the animal. The Priest would have to clean out the dung from inside the intestines and burn it in a location outside of the community. The Priest would splatter the blood of the animal on the alter.

Here is your part, you would have to select the proper animal based on the type of sacrifice you were offering. You would have to confess your sins while laying you hand on the head of the animal. You would do this in the front of the Tabernacle in front of the Priest. You would then take a knife and slit the animals throat. It was not the Priest’s job to kill the animal. It was not his sin that caused the animal to lose it’s life. The Priest’s job begins after you killed the animal.

The job of the Priest is a dirty job. Today as believers in Christ who have confessed Jesus as our Lord we are called Kings and Priests. If we are called His Priests maybe we should learn what a Priest does. A Priest would help a person through a difficult situation. He would stand in the gap forty the person who would bring his sacrifice. How many people are you helping today? Are you too busy taking care of your 4 and no more? What are doing to show the world you are a Priest? What will the Father say when you stand before Him at the end of time? Will He say well done or depart from me. God cares about people, do you? We as the body of Christ we have a lot of work to do. We have a lot of lost time to make up for. We have to become the Priests Jesus died to make us. It is our job to prepare His bride. What are you doing to help others grow closer to God?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos