Last week we read that the Tabernacle was constructed and taken apart over and over for 7 days. The people had 7 days of training on how setup and tear down the Tabernacle before the Glory of God rested on the Tabernacle. On the eighth day the Priests were ordained along with their clothes and everything in the Tabernacle. Aaron and His sons placed their hands on the a red heifer and 2 rams. The bull (red heifer) was a sin offering. The 1st ram was a burnt offering.
The 2nd ram was the ordination. Offering. At the same time Aaron would have to offer a male goat as a sin offering and a calf and lamb as a burn offering for the people. Then Aaron has to offer a bull and a ram as a peace offering because the Glory of God is going to appear and rest on the Tabernacle.
Arron and his son then placed their hands on the head of each animal they confessed their sins and sacrificed each animal. Moses actually sacrificed the 1st 3 animals. He sacrificed Aaron's sin offering the bull (red heifer) the ram a burnt offering and the ram of ordination. Moses splattered the blood all over the furniture of the tabernacle. He splattered it on the alter and on Aaron’s and his sons’s clothes. By doing this Moses ordained everything and made it holy. Moses then takes the blood from the ram of ordination and put blood on the right ear lobe, the right thumb, and the right big toe of Aaron and his sons.
The blood makes things holy. Now as the spiritual leader that stands in the gap Aaron’s ear is now holy. He is set apart so he can hear the words of the Lord only. He can now lead the people in the ways of the Lord. The blood is placed on the right thumb so the work of his hand is holy. Aaron is no longer focused on personal gain. His focus is making people right with the Lord through a special set apart relationship with God. Aaron’s right big toe is now ordained so Aaron only follows in the footsteps of God. Aaron now stays on the path God has set out before him. Leading the people in the ways of the Lord.
After this ordination ceremony the glory of God comes down and rests on the Tabernacle. Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu are so excited that they offer strange fire to God. They are then burned alive in front of everyone. They became a burnt offering to the Lord. Aaron like God gave up his 2 sons because of their actions. They ignorantly died and became a sacrifice. Jesus knew the cost and that He would be the final High Priest so He willingly became the perfect sacrifice.
Today according to the Word of God we are called KINGS, PRIESTS, and TEMPLES. We are a physical 3 part being mind, body, and spirit. We are also a 3 part spiritual being KING, PRIEST, and TEMPLE. We are called to be a safe place for people to come and meet God. A place without judgement. We are to be Priests someone who introduces the lost and hurting to a loving Father. We are to do what it takes to help someone when they are ready to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Our focus is not on ourselves but on helping others. Then we become Kings with great authority and command things to come to pass. The only way we become Kings is by becoming a Temple and Priest 1st. Remember we live in an upside down kingdom.