It is important that we pay attention to God’s calendar. We celebrated Easter and the Resurrection of Christ a couple of weeks ago. I am ok with people celebrating Jesus any day or time. I am all for it. Jesus is all for people celebrating Him any day they are willing to do it with a free heart. However there is something to celebrating what He has done on His Calendar. We are in a season where we should be expecting. It is during this time the Jews were set free. It is during this time the wealth of the wicked was transferred to God’s people. We are in a season of miracles. Get your expectation up. Below I have listed for you what happened on God’s Calendar during this season.
Nissan 10 - April 18, 2024
Miriam passed away 1274 BCE when Miriam passed away the people had to stand on their own faith not Miriam’s. Miriam’s faith caused the people to have water in the wilderness for 39 years. Now they have to have their own faith for water the last year in the wilderness.
Israel crosses the Jordan 1273 BCE the water of the Jordan stopped flowing so Joshua and all the Israelites could pass on dry land. The people were preparing to take the promised land.
Nissan 11 - April 19, 2024
Mass circumcision 1273 BCE Joshua had all the men circumcise themselves to make them Holy. With this circumcision the people are now in covenant with God and He has to do what He has promised.
Nissan 12 - April 20, 2024
War of the Egyptian first born 1313 BCE on Nissan 10 the Jews began to gather their sheep in preparation for the Passover offering. The Egyptians worshiped sheep so this caused an uproar in Egypt. The Egyptians asked the Jews what they were doing. The Jews explained God was going to kill all the first born of Egypt. The first born of Egypt went to Pharaoh demanding he let the Jews go. Pharaoh refused and the first born of Egypt revolted and killed many of Pharaoh’s troops.
Ezra leaves Babylon 348 BCE Ezra goes to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple. This led to the creation of the Parashats.
Hezekiah falls ill 548 BCE the prophet comes to Hezekiah and tells him he is going to die. Hezekiah puts his face to the wall and prays to God for healing. God answers Hezekiah’s prayer and he lives for 15 more years. Hezekiah asked God for a sign. He asked God to make time stand still and then he asked God to make the sun dial to go in reverse.
Nissan 13 - April 21, 2024
Abraham’s Brit 1714 BCE God changes Abram’s name to Abraham. God makes circumcision the sign of the covenant. God also tell Abraham that his descendants will as the stars in the sky.
Haman’s Decree 357 BCE Haman makes the decree to kill all of the Jews in Persia. His goal is to wipeout all of the Jews from all 127 providences in Persia. His hatred for Mordecai drove him to wipeout all the Jews.
Nissan 14 - April 22, 2024
Passover 1313 BCE this is the day that God passed over the land and the Angel of Death killed all the first born males of Egypt and all the first born of the Egypt live stock. This is also where Israel took all the wealth out of the land of Egypt. They were finally free and set off for the Mountain of God and the Promise Land. This is also the same time Jesus is examined by the priest and condemned to die and handed over to Pilot.
Nissan 15 - April 23, 2024
Covenant between the parts 1743 BCE Abram meets with God. God tells Abram he will descendants like the stars to many to count. God tells Abram to make a sacrifice and split it in half. God then passes between the halves and makes a covenant with Abram. God tells him his descendants will live as strangers in a nation for 400 years. God then tells Abraham that He will not forget the covenant and He will deliver His people and give them the Promised Land.
Abraham battles the 4 Kings 1738 BCE Abraham learns Lot has been captured Abraham takes a small band of men and defeats the 4 Kings and saves Lot and all the people from Sodom and Gomorrah who were taken into captivity.
Angels visit Abraham 1714 BCE three days after God appears to Abram and changes his name to Abraham. This is also 3 days after Abraham has just circumcised Ishmael, himself and all the males in his house. Angels appear to Abraham and tell him he will have Isaac 1 year later. God asks if He should keep from Abraham what He is planning to do to Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham negotiates with God to save the cities if only 10 righteous can be found.
Isaac is born 1713 BCE Abraham and Sarah now have the child of the promise.
Jacob wrestles the Angel 1556 BCE Jacob refuses to let go of the Angel until he blesses him. The Angel finally concedes and blesses Jacob and changes his name to Israel.
Moses at the burning bush 1314 BCE Moses sees the burning bush and accepts the call on his life after giving every possible reason why he shouldn’t. Here Moses is given 3 signs to convince the people I AM sent him.
The Exodus 1313 the Israelites are kicked out of Egypt at the stroke of midnight. They leave with all the wealth of Egypt.
Daniel in the Lion’s Den 372 BCE Daniel is thrown in the lion’s den after refusing not to pray as was his custom. An Angel closed the mouths of the lions. The next morning the officials that set Daniel up were thrown into the lion’s den along with their families. They were eaten alive because they tried to take out God’s anointed.
Queen Vashti is executed 366 BCE after refusing the request of the king. She refused to be paraded around for the kings guests. This made room for Esther to be made Queen.
Nissan 16 - April 24, 2024
Sodom is destroyed 1714 BCE everyone in Sodom was destroyed except Lot, his wife, and daughters. 10 rightoues could not be found.
Levi is born 1566 BCE Levi would later become the chosen family for the priesthood.
Esther appears before King Xerxes 357 BCE Esther appears before King Xerxes without being summoned which was punishable by death if he did not extend his scepter towards her. Here she invites the King and Haman to a private banquet.
Manna ends 1273 BCE once Joshua leads the Israelites across the Jordan and after they renewed the covenant of circumcision and celebrate Passover the manna appears no more because now they are taking the land.
Nissan 17 - April 25, 2024
Haman is hanged 357 BCE Haman is hung from the very gallows he built from Mordecai. The Jews are free to defend themselves from their enemies.
Jesus raises from the dead. All humanity is free from the curse of death once they confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Nissan 18 - April 26, 2024
Pharaoh becomes aware of Israel’s escape 1313 BCE Pharaoh sends his army after Israel after they do not return.
Nissan 20 - April 28, 2024
Pharaoh corners the Jews 1313 BCE God appears as a pillar of fire and keeps Pharaoh and his army at bay.
Nissan 21 - April 29, 2024
Moses departs Midian 1314 BCE Moses sets out for Egypt after his experience at the burning bush.
Red Sea Splits 1313 BCE the Jews pass through the Red Sea on dry land. Pharaoh and his army pursue Israel and drowned in the Red Sea.
Moses strikes the Rock 1274 BCE this is the second time he strikes the rock. God told Moses to speak to the rock. Moses spoke to the rock and nothing happened. He became frustrated with the people and hit the rock with Aaron’s staff. This is why Moses was not allowed to go into the promise land.
Nissan 22 - April 30, 2024
Isaac is circumcised 1713 BCE Abraham circumcised Isaac 8 days after his birth. Isaac is the 1 person to be circumcised on the 8th day.
Encirclement of Jericho 1273 BCE after entering the land renewing the covenant and celebrating the Passover Joshua led the isrealites to Jericho to conquer it. This is the 1 day the Jews circled the city. 7 days later the walls would come down super naturally.
As you can see the supernatural happens in this season. People are set free. Wealth is transferred. Promise are made and kept. Names are changed. We are in a season of transition. Are you ready for the transition?
Wendy Worobec
Bless the Lord oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His holy name. Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all His benefits. Psalms 103