Photo 169 of 212 in Wall Photos

We are in the time of God’s Feasts. We have 50 days of celebration and giving of praise to God for all He has done. We have just over 50 days set apart for God. Here are the holidays: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, First Fruit, Counting of the Omer, and Shavuot/Pentecost. These holidays begin Nissan 14 and go through Sivan 6. That is April 22 - June 12, 2024. Each of these holidays have significant meaning for us today.

The whole 50 days of counting the Omer is considered the season of First Fruits. It is harvest season. Harvest doesn’t just mean crops. It also means people, God harvested the nation of Israel on First Fruits. Jesus was resurrected on First Fruits, for He was the first of all the dead to rise. Jericho was surrounded during First Fruits. The walls came down and everything belonged to the Lord. After the taking of Jericho the Jews are able to take the spoils for themselves from every other city.

During this season God made His covenant with Abraham. This is when God changes his name. This is when Jacob had his name changed to Israel. Joshua renewed the covenant when they crossed the Jordan. All the men of fighting age were circumcised. Giving during First Fruits is one of the ways we renew the covenant God has made with us.

We are counting the Omer from Passover to Pentecost. We receive freedom and then we are given the Law/Torah/Bible. On the same day the Law was given is the same day Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit. Jesus was raised on Omer 2 and ascended into Heaven 40 days later on Omer 42. Jesus’s earthly ministry lasted 42 months. He ascended on Omer 42. 8 days later a new beginning changed the world forever. The Holy Spirit no longer just rests upon man. The Holy Spirit now dwells within any man or woman who welcomes Him.

We are in Harvest Season which means we are in Giving Season. It is important that we look for every chance we can to give in this season. Giving of our Time, our Finances, and our Prayers. We don't get to pick one we are required to do all of the above. I encourage you to give everywhere you possibly can in this season. I also ask that you would consider supporting Watchmen Broadcasting in this season. My prayer is that with this knowledge you will act on it and see how the windows of Heaven open for you.

Ways To Give:

PO Box 3618
Augusta, GA 30914

call 803-278-3618

TEXT the word GIVE to 833-213-4116

Cash App: $WBPI

Our Prayer lines are open 24 hours a day. Call 803-278-3618 to have someone pray and come in agreement with you now.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos