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This week’s Parashat is usually read with last week’s. It begins with the protocols of the Day of Atonement. Then transitions into the abdominal acts to stay away from. The Israelites are told not to eat or drink blood. They are told about all the sexual acts to stay away from such as having sex with your father’s wife, sister, daughter, and his stepdaughter. The list goes on and on. Then they are told to not have sex men with men and women with women. It says how it is an abomination for a man or a women to have sex with animals. Then it goes on to talk about people who offer their children to Molech. This is modern day abortion.

The over all theme and statement God repeats is in these two Parashats is: “You must be Holy because I, the Lord God am Holy.” God is looking for a spotless Bride. How are we to know what a spotless Bride looks like, if God does not tell us? Jesus repeats this verse in Matthew 22:39.

Leviticus 19:18
““Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against a fellow Israelite, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”

Jesus is repeating the law showing how to be a spotless Bride. Another verse that is key and more relevant than you realize is Leviticus 17:7

“The people must no longer be unfaithful to the Lord by offering sacrifices to the GOAT IDOLS. This is a permanent law for them, to be observed from generation to generation.”

Another translation says GOAT DEMONS. Today we do not fashion with our hands idols of wood, stone or metal. However we worship GOAT DEMONS. Notice that the only animals offered for sin offerings are bulls and goats. The bull because Aaron allowed the people to sin with the Golden Calf. The goat is always offered as a sin offering. Look at all the ancient mythologies they have half man and half goats that were worshipped. Look at the Baphomet used in Satan worship. Today we worship GOAT DEMONS we just call them G.O.A.T.s The Greatest Of All Time. We worship images of people. We put posters on our walls. We worship athletes, singers, musicians, actors, celebrities, politicians and business men. We put them on a pedestal which God tells us not to do. It is the very 1st command God gave Israel when they heard the audible Voice of God at Mount Sinai.

We have put up idols of G.O.A.T.s. We as the body of Christ have to repent and tear down these idols in our lives. The reason we are not seeing the breakthroughs we are believing for is because we have GOATS placed on PEDESTALS. God has to honor His Word, He cannot break it. Now you know what the hindrance is in your life, what are going to do about it?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos