This week we read the speech Moses gives about justice. We read how we are to treat others. What is interesting to me is we are in the season of Teshuvah. A 40 day period of time where we are to get our hearts right with God and man. We read how we are to treat widows and orphans. We read how when we build our house if there is an area to go the roof make sure there is a railing so no one can fall and you be accused of murder. Use accurate scales. Laws on war how to conduct yourself. How husbands are to treat their wives. God focuses on every type of relationship in this week’s and last week’s Parashat.
On Rosh Hashanah the King of the Universe will inspect every single human being on the planet. After His inspection He will write your future for the next 12 months. You have the opportunity to make sure God writes a favorable future based on the condition of you heart. How is your heart towards your family members? How is your heart towards your boss and coworkers? How is your heart towards God?
On Rosh Hashanah the shofar will blow 100 times. Have you ever wandered why the Jews blow the shofar 100 times? First and foremost they are commanded too. Now what does it symbolize? It represents Coronation day. On the beginning of the Jewish New Year we are given the opportunity to give the King of the Universe to become the King of our Universe. When we make Him our King and we forgive those He asks us to forgive. He then writes a favorable future for us.
I call this season God’s RESET BUTTON for your life. If you have been going around the same mountain over and over this is your season to overcome. When you forgive and ask for forgiveness in this season you will unlock your future. Now is your time. The King is in the field. He has left the throne and He is searching you out. He is looking for an audience with you. He is looking for a willing heart. Are you willing to follow His instructions? If so this is your breakthrough season. I have honored this season since 2013. Every time I have honored it God has shown up and showed out. Every year has been better than the last. After learning how good God is and how this season brings freedom I have to tell everyone. I pray that you have eyes to see and ears to hear this message it will change your life.