Photo 206 of 212 in Wall Photos

Moses goes to Pharaoh last week with the people’s permission. They were excited that God reveals that He has heard all of their cry’s. After Moses’s encounter with Pharaoh, Pharaoh makes life tougher for the Hebrews. This causes the people to turn on Moses. God then tells Moses this:

Exodus 6:2-3
“And God said to Moses, “I am Yahweh—‘the Lord.’ I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as El-Shaddai—‘God Almighty’—but I did not reveal my name, Yahweh, to them.”

What is God saying here? God introduces Himself as El-Shaddai in Genesis chapter 17

Genesis 17:1-2
“When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.””

This is where God renews the covenant and changes Abram’s name to Abraham. This is also where circumcision is introduced the sign of the covenant. There are 2 signs of God’s covenant the public for everyone to see the keeping of the Sabbath and the private circumcision. This verse sets up the concept we hear continually throughout the word about God being a Shepard. If you study Shepards you will learn that when he moves the flock from point A to point B he leads from behind. Why would a leader lead from the rear? When the Shepard is behind the sheep he can see the horizon and see any danger they are headed for. He can also see any Predator approaching the flock. The Shepard sees when a lamb takes off on his own. The Shepard works as a rudder on a ship. He bumps the lamb that is in the rear and causes that one to bump the next one and so on. It causes a domino effect.

Before this introduction of God everyone prior walked with God. Adam and Eve walked with God in the Garden. Enoch walked with God and was no more. Moses walked with God. Abraham at his name change now walked before or in front of God. He is told to walk in front and be blameless. This means Abraham is making decisions and in the direction he goes. God will come behind and nudge him in the right direction when he gets off course. We can really see this in life of Jacob. Jacob makes mistake after mistake, yet he always ends up at the place he needs to be. Jacob went through many hardships yet he ended his life accomplishing everything he was created to do. He ended his life in peace.

Now God tells Moses I AM THAT I AM I Am, Yod Hey Vav Hey, Yahweh I am the God who leads from behind, but I am going to move to the front of the people and lead the charge. We will see God shows up as Pillar of Fire an by night and a Cloud by day. God is about to remove all of the obstacles out of the way. God moves the Red or Reed Sea out of the Hebrews way. He moves Pharaoh’s Army out of the way. God buries Pharaoh and his Army in the Red Sea removing them permanently. For 40 years God is leading them from the front while staying behind to protect them and let them make their own decisions.

Today we don’t have a Pillar of Fire or Cloud leading us. We do have a Shepard shepherding us. He lets us make our own decisions. Even when we mess up He will bump us into the right position. However if we get so far out of position He will show up in a greater way to get us back on track. He will come from behind into the front and deliver us like only He can. Which name of God do you need to be calling out to? Do you need to call out to El-Shaddai the Shepard who can redirect you? Or do you need to call out to I AM THAT I AM Yahweh the God of Signs and Wonders, the deliver? Call out on God with a sincere heart and you will be delivered.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos