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After the plague of hail something changed in Pharaoh. He realized that Yahweh is the true God. The Bible says that God hardened his heart. However that is not the most accurate translation. God did not take away Pharaoh’s free will. He strengthened it. God knew Pharaoh thought he was a god so he used that against him. After the 7th plague God changed His focus from Egypt knowing who He is too Israel knowing that He is their God.

God is ready to bring the 8th plague so He sends Moses to Pharaoh with these words:

Exodus 10:3-6
”So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, “This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: How long will you refuse to submit to me? Let my people go, so they can worship me. If you refuse, watch out! For tomorrow I will bring a swarm of locusts on your country. They will cover the land so that you won’t be able to see the ground. They will devour what little is left of your crops after the hailstorm, including all the trees growing in the fields. They will overrun your palaces and the homes of your officials and all the houses in Egypt. Never in the history of Egypt have your ancestors seen a plague like this one!” And with that, Moses turned and left Pharaoh.“

Pharaoh has never submitted to anyone. This comment made Pharaoh hot. It doesn’t matter the cost Pharaoh’s pride will not allow him to be spoken to this way. Every other time Moses came to Pharaoh he was respectful. This time Moses takes a new approach by talking down to Pharaoh. This approach did something to Pharaoh’s Officials they convinced Pharaoh to bring Moses back to work something out. When Moses comes back Pharaoh asks who will be going. Moses replies everyone including all our flocks and herds. This makes Pharaoh furious and he throws Moses out.

God then tells Moses to raise his hands over Egypt. Moses raised his staff over Egypt and an EAST WIND came over the land bringing the locusts. The locusts ate everything. Pharaoh quickly called Moses back. Moses then prays to God and He sends a WEST WIND and all the locusts go into the Red Sea. Do you see what God did with this plague? Pharaoh’s father caused the Egyptians to think less of the Israelites. He treated them as though they were insects. Something he could stomp out. The locusts multiplied to where Pharaoh could not handle them just as his father thought Israelites would become to numerous for him to handle. The Israelites came from the EAST from the land of Canaan. Now the WEST WIND blows the locust into the Red Sea. God is about to send His Children full like the locusts WEST into the wilderness via the Red Sea. God is prophesying what is about to come.

The 9th plague of Darkness shows how Israel lived in dark times of slavery. Now in Goshen there is no darkness. The world, Egypt is a place of darkness. They will be left in the darkness. Because of the darkness in their hearts they lost their 1st born males. They took God’s 1st born and made them subject to them. They made God’s Children serve the world. They led them astray. They caused pain and suffering after God sent Joseph to save Egypt. Now because they forgot what God did for them a great wealth transfer is coming. Today the world has forgotten that God so loved the world He sent His only begotten Son. They have rejected Him so the time has come for the wealth transfer for this generation who the world has tried to lead astray. Make sure you end up of the right side of the Sea that is about to split.

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos