This week Moses’s Father-in-law Jethro brings Moses’s wife and 2 sons to him at Mount Sinai. Jethro had heard all the things the Lord had done for the Israelites. When Moses gave him a 1st hand account of all the events Jethro stated he now knows that the Lord is greater than all the others gods. Jethro makes a burn offering before the Lord and all the elders of Israel eat with him, everyone except Moses. Moses sat before the people judging them day and night. When Jethro saw this he gave Moses Godly consul. He advised Moses to set up a group of men who where honest, God fearing who hate bribes as leaders over the people. Let them judge the people and if something comes up that is to complicated for them, then let them come to you. Moses agreed with his father-in-law’s advice and set capable men over the people.
The very next thing that happens is God called Moses up the Mountain. God instructed Moses to prepare the people to meet the Lord at Mount Sinai. God is preparing the people for the Law. Notice how everything was in a holding pattern until Jethro arrives and gives Moses consul to create a group of leaders. Jethro in essence caused Moses to establish a government. Once you have a government what is the next thing you need? You need a body of laws for the government to enact. God could not give the Law until Moses put men in place to activate the Law. God is a God of order.
Sometimes we get so focused on working for the Lord we forget the reason we are doing it in the 1st place. Even Moses fell prey to this mistake. We get so busy serving and doing for others that we miss out on setting ourselves up for success. God gives us wisdom, however it is up to us to use it. If we are too busy and will not take the time to listen to wisdom, God will send someone full of wisdom to speak a word to us. He is a good God that way. When we too busy for wisdom we actually hold of the plans of the Lord. We can become our own stumbling block. God is patience and He will wait for a season. Then He will send someone to get us back on track. Have you become to busy for wisdoms? Are you to preoccupied with the work that you have become ineffective? It happens to all of us. I encourage you to take timeout for wisdom today. She is waiting and ready to advise you in everything you have questions about. She was there in the beginning. She has seen it all. If you will ask for her, she will give herself to you liberally. What are you waiting for? Ask her now.