This week we start with the command for the Priests to keep the oil in the Menorah the light must burn always. After the command is given God goes into great detail on the clothes the for the Priests. God tells Moses to call Aaron and his sons Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. Notice there are 5 men named as Priest. They represent the 5 fold ministry. Next God gives 6 garments to be created for the High Priest. These are the garments they are to make: a chestpiece, an ephod, a robe, a patterned tunic, a turban, and a sash. There are 6 garments. These garments represent man, and the purpose of the Priest to bring man back in right standing with God.
Here are the materials to be used to make the clothes:
Exodus 28:5
“So give them fine linen cloth, gold thread, and blue, purple, and scarlet thread.”
The fine linen is white which represents purity. The Gold represents provision and prosperity. The blue represents Heaven and God’s Throne. The purple represents Royalty and Kingship. The scarlet represents the blood the cleansing of sin. Even in the intricate design of the the High Priest’s clothing God plan is revealed.
The Ephod is to be made of 2 pieces front and back joined at the shoulders. On the shoulders 2 onyx stones will be placed on the the shoulders with 6 names of the tribes of Israel listed by birth order on each stone. The names of the tribes are placed there as a reminder Aaron represents all the people. He must wear it when he goes before the Lord. The chest piece was placed on the front of the Ephod the same threads are used as before. A 9 inch square pouch was created to hold the gem stones used to represent each tribe. It is said the stones used measure 2 inches by 2 and a half inches. These stone would be around 7 carats in size. 7 is the number of perfection and completion. Through the Priest God sees the people perfected.
They then make a turban to place on Aaron’s head. A gold medallion was placed on the turban with the words HOLY TO THE LORD engraved into it.
A blue cord was used to attach the medallion to the turban. This allowed Aaron to enter the throne room of Heaven on behalf of the people. Aaron would take on the guilt of the people when he consecrated their sacred offerings. Aaron has to keep it on his head so God will accept the people.
After God tells Moses how to create these Holy Garments God then instructs Moses how to do the service of dedicating the Priests. The last thing we read this week is the creation of the Incense Alter which God then reveals it is the Most Holy Alter in the Tabernacle. The Priest must then fill the oil in the Menorah and burn incense before the Lord each day. Notice we start off this week’s reading with the work of the Priest and we end the reading with the work of the Priest. The work is book ends for what God tells us the purpose of the Priests. The Bible calls us Kings and Priests. If the word of God says you are a Priest maybe we should look into what it means to be a Priest. The Priesthood has a greater responsibility than the King. Are you ready to take on the responsibility you were created for?