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Last week we finished the Book of Numbers. The Israelites are given the laws on Vows. Then they have the conquest of the Midianites they are attacked because of Balaam’s influence. They killed all 5 of the Midianites’s Kings and Balaam. They divide the plunder amongst the people. Ruben and Gad ask for the land the Israelites just conquered. God approves their request. We then are give every location Israel camped in the wilderness. They are then instructed how to divide the land. They are told how to make towns for the Levites and Cities of Refuge. Numbers concludes with women who obtain property and how they can only marry within their tribe so the land will always belong to their Father’s house.

This week Moses is giving His final addresses to the people before God takes him home. Moses begins to share what has gotten the Israelites to this point. He opens with asking for 70 leaders to help him carry the load. God has blesses the people to where they are like the stars in the sky and one man cannot carry the load alone. Moses then says the people asked to send out scouts to survey the land. He then reminds them of the rebellion they had against God when they allowed the spies to sway them. Moses transitions into the wanderings in the wilderness. He reminds them that God said not to attack Esau or Lots people as God has given them their land. They have a promise from God that the land is theirs. He then tells the people that Esau and Lot defeated all the giants in their land. Letting them know they also can defeat the giants in the land they are about to posses. Moses reminds the people of the victories they have already had. He reminds them of King Og how he was a giant and they just defeated him and took all of his fortified towns. Moses then tells them that he will not be going with them into the land.

Of all the things Moses could have put in this address he chose these incidents. He is reminding the people of their failures, his included, and their successes. He is reminding them of where they have been so they will be ready for where they are going. In the past few months before this address. The people have been going through a transition. Their leaders are no longer with them. They have lost Miriam, Aaron and after this address they will lose Moses. New leaders are being risen up to take them into uncharted territory. Moses is using the Book of Deuteronomy to set them up for success. He is also doing it from hindsight, not from the heat of the moment. What is God revealing to you through hindsight? What are you going to do with that information?

Chris James's Album: Wall Photos