I think it'd be fun to meet out on the road! As events happen across the country if we plan to attend we can meet in a lobby or wherever and hug! All welcome to post events.
For example:... moreI think it'd be fun to meet out on the road! As events happen across the country if we plan to attend we can meet in a lobby or wherever and hug! All welcome to post events.
For example:
Upcoming Events:
**Spiritual Warfare Conference - 7/23-25 - Morris Cerullo World Evangelism - Legacy Center - San Diego, CA
**SW Believers Convention - 8/1-7 - Downtown Fortworth - 8/1 - Flashpoint Live!
A place to show off God's creation of rocks and minerals.
And to trade specmins. No selling please.
A place for all levels of geologists, from pebble lovers to rock hoarders.
Living a Christian lifestyle in an ungodly world can make life very difficult at times. The writer of Hebrews in chapter 10 says, let us . . . encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. That is exactly what... moreLiving a Christian lifestyle in an ungodly world can make life very difficult at times. The writer of Hebrews in chapter 10 says, let us . . . encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. That is exactly what “Christian Perspectives” is all about. Encourage each other with your writings and godly living.
Come join a group of Individuals that love what the 2nd Amendment provides for everyone. New and experienced gun owners are all welcome. Hoping that experienced gun owners would help and give advice while lending their experience to new gun owners.
Dios está uniendo a su pueblo en oración, tal como lo hizo con las colonias. Es necesario que establezca grupos de oración sin denominación en cada pueblo y ciudad de los EE. UU. Unidos en oración, retendremos la tierra. (Consulte Nextdoor para un... moreDios está uniendo a su pueblo en oración, tal como lo hizo con las colonias. Es necesario que establezca grupos de oración sin denominación en cada pueblo y ciudad de los EE. UU. Unidos en oración, retendremos la tierra. (Consulte Nextdoor para un grupo o cree uno).Ore cuando se le solicite.
Un alcance de La Revolución: www.kellyjadon.com
National Prayer Network for Christian Believers--reaching every town and city that we may pray as one. (John 17:21-23)
An outreach of The Revolution: www.kellyjadon.com
Share your passion for coloring. If you color just for fun and relaxation, this group is for you. Bring your tips and tricks, Positive clean images only.
It is written in 2 Chronicles 7.14: If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face; then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and heal their land.... moreBeloved,
It is written in 2 Chronicles 7.14: If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face; then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and heal their land.
Please JOIN US Tuesday evenings at 7 pm CST for this urgently needed Prayer Conference Call
as we unite with pastors, prophets, church leaders and prayer warriors to lift up our leaders, our military, our law enforcement, all first responders, Israel and our nation.
Real Talk Radio Friends Group - Hello everyone and welcome to the Real Talk Radio friends group. I originally started this group on Facebook, but I have growing concerns as to the longevity of that platform for me as a believer. I have a podcast on... moreReal Talk Radio Friends Group - Hello everyone and welcome to the Real Talk Radio friends group. I originally started this group on Facebook, but I have growing concerns as to the longevity of that platform for me as a believer. I have a podcast on Spreaker listed as SMills’s show where I talk about my journey of faith and it has been my vision for the Real Talk Friends group to provide a safe place for real talk about faith, what brings us joy and what challenges us!