Get Together in Groups

Create and join interest based Groups. Bring people together.
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  • 695

    Minnesota Republicans 

    A place for conservatives to gather around like-minded people without the worry of censorship. Our motto is Taking Back Minnesota.
    led by Mitch Hanson

  • 713

    pray for California and all Democratic-run states

    This group is for all who are willing to pray for the State of California—including, those of which are typically overrun by those on the far-left.
    led by Crystal Griffith

  • 1,879

    Cross of Jesus Christ Ministries prayer wall

    Since we started this ministry, in 2015, it has grown beyond our wildest dreams. As of today, we have more than 180 000 members all over the world who follow us on a regular basis. We are privileged to minister to them for free and to teach the Bible on...  more
    led by Ernie Hume

  • 669

    Barnyard Ministries

    Enjoying Gods creation and promoting outdoor activities to strengthen our connection with the Creator!
    led by Paul Kelly 

  • 859

    Empowered Hearts Ministry Live ‘Challenges’

    We hold complementary Facebook Live events for Christian parents who want to learn Kingdom ways of parenting, discipling, and educating their families.
    led by Marilyn Howshall

  • 554

    Digital Marketing

    Learn how to start a business online.
    led by Ruth Chant

  • 731


    I am a Scentsy consultant. If anyone is interested in scentsy products and/or becoming a consultant let me know. I'm using this business to help support my family and help with children's ministry funding.
    led by Jill Kyees

  • 542

    UK Market place

    Members living in the UK selling & buying staff between themselves without an intermediary controlling or charging 3rd party.
    led by Jean. Harzo

  • 869


    People who come together raising the banner of the Lord
    led by Vanz chithrai

  • 489

    MeetANDGreet/ShowYourSelfFriendly - SYSF!

    I think it'd be fun to meet out on the road! As events happen across the country if we plan to attend we can meet in a lobby or wherever and hug! All welcome to post events.

    For example:...  more
    led by Define Hicks

  • 624

    God ROCKS! (and Minerals)

    A place to show off God's creation of rocks and minerals.
    And to trade specmins. No selling please.
    A place for all levels of geologists, from pebble lovers to rock hoarders.
    led by Pamela Kelly

  • 2,149

    Christian Perspectives

    Living a Christian lifestyle in an ungodly world can make life very difficult at times. The writer of Hebrews in chapter 10 says, let us . . . encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. That is exactly what...  more
    led by Robin McKinley