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  • 1 2,087

    Encouraging Word of the Day

    Please only share encouragement here.
    led by Victoria Haviland

  • 1,212

    Jacobite Rising Reenactors

    Welcome to Jacobite Rising Reenactors. The purpose of this group is to share information, research and make connections with other reenactors around the globe. This group is authenticity oriented. Historical accuracy is promoted and encouraged.

    BEFORE...  more
    led by Hunter Cogle

  • 1,074

    Military Helmet Collectors

    Welcome to Military Helmet Collectors. This is a group for every one with a love for military helmets. No collection is too small or cheap to be displayed or discussed here. Restored helmets are welcome. (Some of us are reenactors). Do not be rude to...  more
    led by Hunter Cogle